The Church

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding

– Proverb 3:5

About The G.O

Rev. Adesola. Y. Odundoyin

My name is Rev. Adesola. Y. Odundoyin, I am the General overseer of The Winning Sword Of The Lord Gospel Church, here in Akowonjo area of Lagos state, Nigeria. I’m married to Pastor (Mrs) Jumoke Odundoyin, and we are blessed with a son. My walk with God started in August 1987. Being a Muslim at that time; my “call” to serve the Lord was a very peculiar and interesting one indeed.

The Call To Serve The Lord/My Divine Encounter With God.

It all started in August of 1987. A very cold morning it was, my brother and I had gotten up very early that morning with the intention of going to check on some of our planted crops, just to see how matured enough they were for harvesting. As we descended the stairs and came outside our building, I heard a very strange voice call my name. I was very surprised hearing my name called because, I was relatively new in the area. I had just recently returned from Ondo State, and as such, I was very sure that not many people knew me there, more so, it was still very dark around 5am, the visibility was still very poor. So, hearing my name called was a big mystery to me.

After I heard my name called, I was frozen on the spot, I couldn’t move my legs, so I immediately asked my brother if he also heard anyone call my name, and he said no. Now, because I could no longer move, I just sat down on the same spot till daybreak which was around 7am. 

Incidentally, there was a Pastor living on the top most floor of our building, we had never seen or met before, I just used to hear his voice once in a while. When it was around 7am and the visibility was much better, the pastor suddenly came outside and looked down and said “are you Sola?” I said yes. So I asked if he was the one who had called me earlier in the day, and he said “no, I didn’t call you, but  God told me there was a young boy downstairs who He wants to use and his name is Sola” Then, the man said we would be going to the church together later that morning. As he finished talking to me, I suddenly remembered that the voice I heard earlier that morning said “meet Me in the Church “. At that moment, I got my strength back.

As soon as I got my strength back, I didn’t tell anyone anything; I just went back inside, freshened up and went straight upstairs to the pastor’s flat. When I got up, the pastor said it was still too early to start going to church now, said they usually took tea before going to church. So I waited outside till they were ready and he took me to Church. That was my very first day in church and I’ve never looked back ever since that day. More so, the Lord has been very faithful till this very day.

After my first encounter with the Lord, a lot of other events took place that eventually saw me become a minister of God. My foundation church then was called Calvary Disciples Gospel Ministry, located at Iyana Ipaja, Lagos State, Nigeria. My journey with this church lead me to the Bible College in 1991 (Faith Bible College, located in Sango Otta, in Ogun State, Nigeria), which was as a result of scholarship by the church in 1991. I was there from 1991-1994, while there, I got my B.Sc in Theology, also had my Diploma and certificate courses. In 1994, I also attended the Chaplaincy, that’s the institute of Chaplaincy and Pastoral Studies. While I was at the Bible College, I was under the administration and tutelage of late Dr. Sir Ige Olumide, who had a very big impart in how I eventually turned out today. He was instrumental to my getting ordained in same 1994, God rest his soul.


History Of The Church.

After I’d been a minister for a while, the Lord gave me the vision to start the ministry in 1994, He also anointed me in the dream in that same 1994. Furthermore, He gave me the name of the ministry as Sword of The Lord Assembly. But as exciting as all these looked, the Lord said I must not raise any altar until after 7 years. So pending the time before I was to raise the altar, I continued my ministering at the Calvary Disciples Gospel Ministry, under the watchful eyes of Late Dr. Mrs Olayemi Taiwo. 

In 2001, I started the church without any formal structure. My intention then was just to make use of the space in between two buildings and use a canopy as the roof and start the church.  But as I was preparing for the inauguration, I came across a friend, now late, Rev. Faith Olaoluwa, we go way back as far as the Bible College. We had a very unique relationship being that both of us were formally Muslims, so we had lots of things in common.  I told him I was starting the church and he noted that, there was no venue on the invitation; I said I was still unsure of the venue.  As we got talking, he told me of a school he usually went to, just to minister and pray for them. He suggested talking to the owner of the school about allowing us to be using a space in the school for the church. 

With his influence, we were given the space to be using as the church venue.  The school was called Firm Foundation, and was located around Akiyele Bus stop, Ipaja, Lagos. That was how we had the inauguration on the 28th day of March in the year 2001. It was a well attended event, notably amongst the guests were, Pastor Wale Ishola, wife and family, Late Pastor Faith, wife, family and their choir, Evangelist Toyin Alabi and sister, Mrs Biola Ajayi, My wife, Pastor Mrs Jumoke Odundoyin, My Parents, My In-Laws, Mr and Mrs Abel and family, Mr and Mrs Adelowore and family, Pastor Ilesanmi and so many too numerous to list here.

We continued using the school until the year 2006. In 2006, God gave Lady Evangelist Adelowore a message, and she said God said we were in the desert and that He was bringing out. I was a bit confused about the message, and I kept on asking “to where is God taking us to”. After a while, my mind went to the property I jointly owned with my wife located at Ayetoro in Ogun State. When I got to the land, we cleared the land, got blocks, wood, with the intention of raising a tent to form a tabernacle unto the Lord. I was under the impression that if God had given me an instruction, I wanted to go ahead and carry it out.

But as I left the place and was driving back to my office, my mother-in-law called and said I should see her immediately. On getting to her, she just gave me the keys to the property at Akowonjo area, and said we should be using it for the church.  I was initially reluctant about accept the arrangement, but as I opened the gate and stepped into the property, God spoke to me and said He was giving us the property to use temporally as our base, so I said ok. That was how we started using the property as our church; we officially had our first service there on October 22th 2006. In 2010, God gave us a landed property in Ikorodu area of Lagos State, through Dr. Abayomi. We are developing the property as at now. 

All this while, the name of the church was Sword of The Lord Assembly, but in 2016 while I was in America, God spoke.  After ministering at a church in America, the lord said to me “the sword I give to you is a winning sword”. So, after returning to Nigeria in that 2016, the name of the church was officially changed to Winning Sword Of The Lord Gospel Church. This name remains the official name of the church and it’s the same name all the church documents carry to this day. God has been very faithful and will continue to be faithful.

Vision Of The Church And Impact

The main objective and focus of the church is; to know Him and to make Him known to the entire world. 

The overall goal is to actively depopulate hell and populate Heaven, by simply using the Word of God, and by showing people the truth about God. As it has always been said that, “once you know the truth, that truth you know will set you free”.

 Also, the church tries to help people realize their position in Christ, through its various teachings and preaching activities. Furthermore, the church strives to make an impact in the lives of those around, through some social responsibility activities and timely handouts given as at when needed. God has also been very faithful in all the activities of the church.